Starting here, about me and science

Since my university studies I have been involved in the scientific research.

credit to NASA: solar wind (Ulysses)
The topic of my scientific activities is the Sun-Earth coupling, in particular studying and tracing of interplanetary shocks, their interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere, studying of magnetic clouds and geoefficiency of different features on the Earth’s magnetosphere. I have studied that topics both observationally, using different spacecraft in different places in the solar wind, magnetosheath, and magnetosphere, and using a global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation, such as especially GUMICS-4 but also basic usage of BATS-R-US simulation. My recent studies were comparison of observation with global MHD simulation results focusing on disturbance propagation and evolution inside the Earth’s magnetosphere and comparison of different solar wind parameters, and also to study of wave form in the magnetosphere, and to study geoeffectiveness of magnetic cloud, shock, or pressure pulse.

Recently I have been teaching physics course, with focus on energy topics, and emission control. I have been interested in environmental impact of human actions. 

I write this blog as part of my studies, especially related to rocket engineering, but also to popularize space science. 

My main focus was always to enlarge my own knowledge and also to push my own boundaries. I have been lecturing few university courses, in English, because I also found useful to share my interest and educate students. I have also been invited to talk about my work in local high school.
The space physics and its impact on the Earth's environment, as well as the aerospace was always fascinating me since my childhood. I also started my private pilot PPL(A) licence in 2011 and received it later after that. I really enjoy learning new things, which are important to me.


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