
Showing posts from June, 2021

Type of orbits

 There are several types of Earth orbit. Each offers different advantages, and possibilities.  Let's talk about what is orbit? An orbit is the curved path that an object in space, such as a star, planet, moon, asteroid or spacecraft, takes around another object due to gravity.  Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center.  In our Solar System, the Moon orbits Earth, and Earth and other planets orbit the Sun. The larger object doesn't remain still, but moves due to the smaller object as well. Because of gravity, Earth is pulled slightly from its center by the Moon and our Sun is pulled slightly from its center by Earth and other planets.  credit: ESA, putting satellite into orbit A satellite is simply put into orbit by being placed hundreds or thousands of kilometers above Earth’s surface and then being given a push by the rocket’s engines to make it start on its orbit. As the figure above shows, the difference b...

Rocket engine cycles

In general, thermodynamics is the science that deals with energy production, storage, transfer and conversion. Currently, fossil fuel is still the world’s main energy source. But the burning of fossil fuels generates only thermal energy, therefore these energy sources are also called as primary energy sources. This type of energy must be converted to secondary energy source, also called as energy carriers, such as electrical energy. To convert thermal energy into another form of energy a heat engine must be used.  Many heat engines operate in a cycle, which means that adding energy in the form of heat occurs in one part of the cycle and using that energy to do useful work occurs in another part of the cycle. A process that eventually returns a system to its initial state is called a cyclic process. At the conclusion of a cycle, all the properties have the same value they had at the beginning of the cycle. Typical thermodynamic cycle consists of a series of thermodynamic proces...